Friday, June 13, 2014

A Million Ways to Die in the West (2014) - Brief Review

If you've seen the trailer to A Million Ways to Die in the West, run, don't walk, to some other movie, because you have already seen every marginally worthwhile joke in this dreary little film (and if you've seen the inexcusable follow-up trailer, then you've seen the film's big cameo moment).

Seth MacFarlane wrote, directed, and stars as Albert, a sheep farmer living in the Old West who doesn't particularly like the Old West. He's dumped by his girlfriend, and, in a feat of perfect timing, Charlize Theron shows up to be his love interest. Only Charlize is married to Liam Neeson, who is a really bad guy. Bodily fluids/solids jokes then commence full speed ahead, along with some mildly comic (and repetitive) mishaps, until the showdown ending.

MacFarlane's brand of comedy is bad boy humor - as in "look at me, I'm such a bad boy, hehehe." Unfortunately, there isn't anything subversive about his humor or this film. So what's the point? There aren't enough gags to sustain it and no real point relevant to much of anything going on in the world. So aside from this movie being unfunny, it's also pretty weak-kneed. Not up to the Mel Brooks, Blazing Saddles standard at all. This film just isn't worth your money. After all, you can see the trailer on Youtube. For free.

Screened in the theater.

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